About this Blog

This blog was created as an assessment exercise for a TAFE NSW Course and is not intended for use outside of the TAFE NSW environment.

About this Blog

This Blog was created by 
as part of the Pearl Cove Library training exercise for staff development to assist the ongoing training and development of our staff in remote branch locations

The topic of this blog supports : 
Learning Programme 4
Using Microsoft Excel - basic

About the Author:

 is an excel enthusiast, happy to show others the tricks this amazing program has up it's sleeve.
She shares a partially renovated home (which everyone swears to her will one day be finished) with her divine husband and darling curly-haired son, and mixes part time TAFE studies with part time mothering part time house wife-ing part time renovating and part time working in a very demanding resourcing role. She had an epiphany in 2017 when a 'near-life' experience (which is a nice way of saying she had an unwell turn) forced her to consider her direction in life and has lead to a return to studies and an inevitable career change once her studies are completed.
She is a very nice person and will definitely not bite if you have any questions regarding the course material, so please don't be afraid to contact her via the library!
The author and a random child she found on the street.

How this works:

Your supervisor will give you full instructions on the allowed time-frame for completion of the course material, and will supply you with an email address that allows you access to the forum set up for confidential discussion if you do not feel comfortable using this blog to communicate with me. However, if you are happy to communicate via comments on this blog I am happy to return any messages. Please do not include any confidential information in your blog comments, including your phone number or email address, or you will find your comment will be deleted by an administrator. 

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